VR Creatures

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VR Creatures

By MGA entertainment. These don't pop up on eBay as often because they were cheap and reused a few ROMS here and there. But I have fond memories of my aka-chan dino and the packaging on most of them is fun. They are definitely less "girly" than other pets, focusing on dinosaurs and monsters, and featuring dark, bold, packaging rather than the soft colors aimed at most children.


VR Pets Kitty

There are a couple of different shells for these that I've found. One is more similar to the standard egg-shaped cases, while the other is more elaborate, and has a clamshell design with a kitten molded into the top.

Video going over functions

VR Pets Bunny

VR Pets Puppy

VR Mermaid

This one almost never shows up. I'd love to see someone run it.

VR Creatures T-Rex Dino

Colors: white, red, green, blue

I swear I had this one as a kid. The dinosaur was a cutie, but I seem to remember having problems trying to get him to grow. Also, the images seem to suggest that the different colors each had a different type of dinosaur included, not I'm not sure if that's accurate. The one I remember having matched the white shell identically, but the dinosaur I got was from the white and red one. I have no memory of the one pictured in the blue shell. Moreover, I believe these are running the same roms as the Radioshack Micro Dino I have, or at least were made by the same programmers because there are a lot of similarities between them, but that one features I different dinosaur entirely (the parasaurolophalus)

Ta-ta Puppy and Kitty Te-te

This is a Nano double clone that seems to be made of cheaper parts. Here's a video that compares it with a genuine nano:
Also reviewed here: https://tamagotchi.dreamwidth.org/tag/tata-puppy+and+teetee-kitty+%28double+nano


King Kong

Front Packaging Back packaging


Unlike the dino ROM, which is a Nano clone, the VR Godzilla pet is known to have unique programming.

Functions: feeding; sleeping; game (left/right); medicine; cleaning; stats - uses the standard MGA meters; discipline; Status: Oddly, this one is selectable and seems to just indicate whether he's happy overall or not.


These aren't currently complete, but I did find someone who posted parts of the instructions for this one:



I had no idea this line existed until they started popping up on eBay. They're basic pets that come with a matching beanie plush, that includes a "blank nametag!" Weird combo, to be honest.




There is a blog play-through of a similar one on the Tamatalk forums here. The shell is different, so it is clearly not the same release. However, it is by MGA, and I know they weren't above re-using ROMs, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same.


Much as I'd like to play these, they still go for a lot on eBay. I'm hoping for a deal one of these days.